Accelerate Your Leadership… and Take Your Team With You
Nothing Prepares You for the Challenges of Leadership
As leaders, we are constantly looking to deliver results and have an impact. We know we can’t do it alone and that our team is the route to success.
Yet many teams don’t deliver as effectively as we know they can. It’s frustrating and can make our work feel rushed. That’s wrong. You should be able to look after your people and deliver the quality of work that’s needed for long-term success.
At Institute Success, we understand how hard it is to be a leader. We know that no matter how high your own career rises, the challenges never fade.
For nearly 20 years, we’ve worked with thousands of leaders. We create simple tools that deliver immediate results and transform teams.
Become an Exceptional Leader Who Inspires Others’ Loyalty, Collaboration and Professional Best.
When leaders find themselves asking, “Why won’t they just do what I need them to do?” there is usually a simple answer.
The symptoms are clear. You find yourself frustrated because it’s so obvious to you what they need to do. Yet, for some reason, they don’t hear your message.
This leads to you finding yourself overwhelmed. There’s so much to be done, the temptation is to jump in and fix the problem. Yet there’s an endless stream of meetings and fire-fighting. No matter how many productivity hacks you’ve mastered… there’s not enough time.
The answer is to realize you’ve accidentally trained your team to be overly dependent on you. The more you help, the more they seem to need you.
The good news is it’s possible to resolve this and accelerate your team’s successes. As you allow your team to become less dependent on you, they’ll feel more empowered, and proud of what they create. The quality of the work they create will improve. They’ll hold each other accountable, and build greater levels of trust within the team.
We have one focus: to help you become an even more successful leader.
Other Engaged Leader's Experience
98% of our participants feel their program was worthwhile both personally and professionally
Immediate Impact
95% of leaders felt they could apply what they learned immediately to their current role
What Happens During the Program?
As a leader, you're busy. We understand, and have designed the program to give you the greatest possible impact with a total time commitment of 3-5 hours a month. This balance ensures you are not overwhelmed with juggling your work and developing your leadership skills.
Each month, we have a 3-hour core training session with an optional 1-hour Mastermind call with other Engaged Leaders.
Phase 1: Self Awareness
Phase 2: Impact
Phase 3: Sustainability
Your Leadership Accelerator Team
Harvey’s skillful coaching combined with proven tools, enables leaders to increase their self-awareness, leverage their strengths, and create more positive relationships,
Christine brings a unique blend of expertise in leadership development and training.
CHRISTINE KINNEY - Chief Program Officer
Andy's passion is working with leaders and organizations. Helping them create long-term success.
Elena's skills shine in coordinating all aspects of a clients experience.
ELENA JENNINGS - Client Advocate
"It's a leadership accelerator..."

The Engaged Leader™ program is a leadership accelerator...
John Comly - CEO American Safety Council
One of the really unique benefits is on-boarding senior leaders, as it can be really challenging to integrate into an existing management team.
It's enabled all of us to come together and work effectively together much faster than we would have otherwise. If you get it right, you're pouring kerosene on the fire, and you are accelerating the building of trust and as a result productivity explodes...

How Does Engaged Leader™ Accelerator Impact Your Leadership Development?
No matter how dedicated you are or how many hours you work, you have a finite number of hours in the day.
You can’t do it all yourself. Success can only be achieved through your team.
Engaged Leader Accelerator™ guides you on how to describe your vision of success so it becomes a truly shared vision of success, where your team buys-in and wants to succeed. You’ll discover how to engage and motivate individuals, and your team as a whole, so they work together to create growth.
The way you share your vision, communicate and motivate your team is the only sustainable and scalable route to success.
However, the main reasons most employees feel disengaged from their jobs are for exactly the same reasons.
They feel their bosses don't communicate well with them. They feel their work is not rewarding.
The Engaged Leader Accelerator™ program hands you tools to have a direct impact on not only these key areas but many others too. You’ll discover how to communicate clearly and effectively, even when having difficult conversations, so your team feels valued and understand their critical role.
What Makes the Engaged Leader™ Accelerator Different and Able To Deliver Results?
We teach the theory, then guide you to implement it in your daily life.
The main reason most leadership programs fail is that they don't follow up.
At the heart of the Engaged Leader Accelerator™ program is coaching, enabling you to rapidly grow as a leader, so you feel confident and inspire the best in others around you. You enhance your strengths and deal with your challenges as you are guided by an expert.
To have a real impact on your work and team, it's critical to work in a different manner. We'll act as your guide, helping you to implement your new tools quickly and efficiently.
What Other Leaders Are Saying...
The Engaged Leader program gave me the learning I wanted, the way I wanted it: smart, fast, interesting, engaging and quickly applicable. As an experienced leader, I couldn’t imagine what insights could be learned….and I learned A LOT. I now understand the value of connecting with people first before giving my “spiel”. I also became better at listening, empathizing and finding the words that built trust. As I grew and modeled new behaviors for my team, they in turn have become stronger leaders and even more effective at business development. Bottom line? GREAT investment.
Ira Bass

As a result of the Engaged Leader program, I now have an increased self-awareness of how people may perceive me versus how I want to be perceived. It taught me how to communicate even more positively with my team and co-workers by focusing on my words, tone and body language. It also impacted our leadership team as a whole. We now have better communication and handle issues in a more positive way that benefits everyone involved.
Pam Jefferies

The Engaged Leader program works. We take every leader through this program and it’s had more impact on our leadership ability than any other program. My entire team is more engaged and our culture has improved more than I ever thought possible.
David Stophel

Are You Ready To Unleash Your Leadership Potential?
Schedule a call with one of our team who will be happy to answer all your questions

You are fully protected by our 100% "I'm a Better Leader" Guarantee
If you don’t think the Engaged Leader™ Accelerator program is worth every penny you’ve paid, just let us know within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll give you a full refund.
The Engaged Leader™ Accelerator Is For...
The Engaged Leader Accelerator™ course is for business owners and leaders who aspire to become the best possible versions of themselves. If you lead teams and need to inspire, communicate, and engage with them towards a shared vision of success, then Engaged Leader will hand you the mindset and tools you need to succeed.
Growth doesn’t come from training alone. The training needs to be put into practice. In our monthly coaching sessions (you can choose either one-to-one or group coaching) you’ll be invited to share your experiences and be guided on how to refine your approach to deliver the outcomes you want.
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s personalized. Working with your coach(es), you will identify your own version of success and what areas you want to personally grow in as a leader.
It’s comprehensive. You will learn and practice the 78 leadership competencies to help you become an even more exceptional leader.
It’s hands-on. We believe that you can’t learn how to play tennis by reading a book. Instead, you have to get out on the court and practice. You will not only learn the concepts, you will have the opportunity to integrate them into your workplace.
It’s community focused. You will have the opportunity to learn and grow alongside like-minded leaders.
It’s focused on sustainability. It’s built in a way you can retain and apply the knowledge for sustainable growth. Each month you will learn new skills and receive practical tools you need to accelerate the achievement of your most important goals. Each month will build upon the prior months learning and growth. You will walk away with a plan for what’s next for you as a leader.
Whether you are a business owner, leader or manager, this program will help you grow into your full potential and understand how to advance as a leader.
Plan to commit 3-5 hours per month for the coaching intensive, monthly group coaching session, one-on-one coaching sessions and additional learning opportunities.
Come with an open mind and a vision of who you want to become as a leader.
Currently we are offering a virtual option via Zoom to maintain social distancing. We hope to return to offering in person options in the future. We will consider private classes in person, please call us to discuss.
The assessments used in the Engaged Leader™ Accelerator program are the foundation of everything you will learn. They will help you better understand yourself and others. In particular, you will learn your communication and behavioral preferences, why you do what you do and your thinking preferences. You will also better understand how to effectively communicate and motivate others based on their preferences.
To maximize your experience, you will have activities related to the classroom learning to complete between sessions. Typically the pre-work takes less than one hour and includes videos, articles, exercises and thought provoking questions.
Depending on the level you select when you join the Engaged Leader™ Accelerator program, you may receive one-on-one coaching sessions. Although it is recommended you complete your coaching between training sessions, you have one year from the beginning of the program to complete them.
Between group leadership development sessions you will meet one-on-one with your personal coach. One-on-one sessions between you and your coach are typically 50 minutes each.
Yes! If you don’t think it is worth every penny you’ve paid, just let us know within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll give you a full refund. Your success is important to us!
New groups start every quarter. We are currently accepting applications for the September 2020 and December 2020 programs.
Take Your Team With You. Accelerate Your Leadership.
When you’re promoted to being a leader, it’s like being thrown to the wolves and told to thrive. You have a responsibility to the organization, to your team, and to yourself. Nobody wants their team to be left behind.